Requesting a New Design Resource

Entourage Edge is a creative platform for yearbook teams and content creators to collaborate in designing the best next-generation content for yearbooks. We design and collect the best clip art, stock photos, fonts, and templates for the yearbook building community. With Edge, you don’t just find the asset you’re looking for, you can also commission and create new assets. We designed the platform to build the world’s best creative content for yearbooks and we plan to build this with the help of people from around the world.

It’s easy to get involved, request artwork, or even become a contributor. First, register with Entourage Edge by going to

Once you are registered, you can navigate to the “commissions dashboard” to put in a commissions request for your design needs:

Once you select “commissions” you will see the commissions dashboard. This dashboard encompasses all current commission requests in our system. To start your own commission request, click the red “submit commission” button on the page

Once you click “Submit a commission”, you will be asked to fill out the following fields for your commission:

Title of your commission: Come up with a catchy title that is descriptive of the type of work you are looking for.

Description: Use the description field to provide all the specifications of the item you would like commissioned, be as descriptive as possible so creators can get a good idea of what you want and if they can create it for you. If you would like a template, please specify the page size and whether the template is a single page or spread file.

Design work: Please choose from the drop-down if you would like clip art, stock photos, templates, backgrounds, or fonts designed for you.

File Types Needed: Choose what type of files you would like to receive with your commission. For most of your work, you will probably need JPG/PNG files. For fonts, you will need to request a TTF file. All templates on Edge are made using EDO and will be compatible with the EDOnline Designer. If you would like to have the ability to edit your commissioned piece, you will need to request the PDS, AI, and/or EPS adobe files. PLEASE NOTE: you will need the adobe programs installed on your computer to edit any of those file types.

Minimum File Size Needed: Choose between 1,000 px and 5,000 px.

Need By Date: Please include a due date for your project. PLEASE NOTE: It is best practice to provide a date earlier than when you would actually need your commission. This allows time for any revisions to be made if needed.

When you are ready to submit your commission request, click the red “Submit Request” button. This will submit your request to one of our Edge curators, who will then review the commission, and approve the request. you can check the status of your commissions by going to “My profile” and selecting “Commissions”

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