Download a digital copy of the Entourage Resource Kit to help jump-start your yearbook project.

Entourage Survival Guide
The Entourage Survival Guide is your complete guide to everything you need to know about using Entourage Yearbooks. It will go over using the website, the EDO designer, and the best ways to market and sell your yearbook.

Making Great Yearbooks
The Making Great Yearbooks guide goes over how to best organize your resources in the classroom, so making your yearbook is as simple as possible. This guide goes over how to divide responsibility among your students, how to pick a yearbook theme, and the different components of the yearbook.

Cover Guide
Explore the variety of cover options we have to offer in our cover guide. You can upgrade your book cover from a hard or softcover book, to something truly unforgettable. If you are interested in upgrading your book cover, call us at 888-926-651 and speak to a sales representative about your project.

Marketing Guide
One of the most important things about making a yearbook is marketing it properly. You can spend all year designing a beautiful yearbook, but you need people to buy it! Here are a few tips and tricks to successfully market your yearbook.
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