If you want to crop your photos in EDOnline and learn the crop keyboard shortcut follow these steps:
Part 1) How to crop a photo
To start, let’s refresh on how to crop a photo:
Step 1) Select the photo you would like to crop and in the quick menu select “Crop/Edit”

Step 2) Once you have elected to crop/edit a photo, you will be taken to the edit photo screen, as shown below.

Step 3) To crop the photo, click on the gray squares outlining the edges of the photo. This will allow you to drag the outline and fit the photo to the desired shape and determine the new focus point. This will only crop your photo in a square/rectangle.
When you are happy with the crop of your photo, hit save.

Step 4) Your photo will now be cropped on the page and will be in “Manual” mode.

Part 2) Resize the frame and hold your crop using “shift” + “x”
Step 1) Once your photo is cropped and you decide to change the size of the frame, you can hold down “Shift + x” on your keyboard while dragging the blue circles to adjust the frame size. “Shift + X” will allow your photo to hold your crop while adjusting the frame proportions.

A) This example shows how the photo fits in the frame if you do not hold down “shift +x” while adjusting the frame size. The photo will not save it’s proportions as you change the frame size. (refer to image A below)

B) This example shows how the photo will maintain it’s new crop proportions when you adjust the frame size. The photo moves with the frame to hold the crop so you will not have to re-crop your photo. (refer to image B below)

That’s it! You have now successfully cropped your photo and learned the keyboard shortcut “shift + x” to maintain your crop while adjusting the frame proportions.
Remember to hit “save” on your page to save your changes!
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