Entourage Color Guide

There are currently 36 different standard color variations that can be located in the EDOnline Designer that you can use to create and enhance your yearbook project. These colors can be used to fill shapes, add a border color, enhance text, and personalize each and every page within your yearbook project. 

The colors that we currently offer within the designer can be seen below:

There are two different locations within the EDOnline Designer that allow you to select and change your colors. These two locations are the top Tool Bar and the Advanced Menu as pictured below:

Top Tool Bar

The first location that will allow you to modify colors is the Top Tool Bar. Within the top tool bar you can choose the Fill bucket to change the color within an object (text, shape, clip art). You also have the option to choose the Border Color marker to change the border or perimeter of an object (text box, shape, clip art). The border color can be further enhanced by changing the border width to increase or decrease the thickness of the border. This button is located directly to the right of the Border Color button.

Advanced Menu

The second location that will allow you to modify colors is within the Advanced Menu, located on the bottom right hand side. There are two different settings within the advanced menu that can be used to modify colors: text settings and frame settings. 

Frame Settings

The frame settings menu can be used to enhance photos, shapes, and text. In this advanced menu you can change: border colors, fill colors and drop shadows.

Text Settings

The text settings menu can be used to enhance headlines and body text on the page.

Custom Colors

Want to personalize your project even more? You can create custom colors within the advanced menu to choose any color outside of the 36 colors that are currently present within the EDOnline Designer. 

The default color type within the EDOnline Designer is RGB. This will present you with the color wheel. You can use your cursor to point anywhere on the color wheel to select a color of your choosing. You can modify the hue and/or shade of each color even more by dragging the scroll located beneath the color wheel.

How to Save a Custom Color

Want to use that custom color more than once? You can save your custom color after using it on an object. Simply click on the page or on a new object after using your custom color. Your next step is to go into the top tool bar and select either the fill or border color tool. Once you click on either one of those, scroll down until you find the new color you just used and select the Save button. This will display a pop-up window that will now allow you to name your custom color as shown below:

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  1. Elizabeth Haislip

    there are no “as shown below” images to help with this – I still can’t save my custom color

    1. Jackie Lacorte

      Thank you for bringing that to our attention. The help page has been updated, with screenshots on how to save a custom color. Please contact support if you have any further questions.
      Thank you.

  2. Devorah Cohen

    Is there a way to fade the colors on a background?

    1. Julia Watts

      Hello Devorah,
      You can change the opacity in the frame settings menu on the right side of the page. First you will click what you want to lower the opacity of and once it is highlighted, click frame settings. Then under “border, fill and drop shadow”, you will see opacity where you can change it to any number between 0-100!

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