How to Wrap Text and Use Limit Move Region

For more information about how to use limit move region and text wrap, watch this help video!

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Some more advanced options for text editing in EDO include using text wrap and limit move region in your yearbook project. In this article we will go over what each of these things mean and how to use them.

Using text wrap

To apply a text wrap, click on the object you would like your text to wrap around. This is usually an image or shape. Then, go to the frame tab on the top tool bar. Select the wrap text option.

Wrap Text

Place a text box on the page, once you start typing, your text will wrap around the image and not overlap the shape:

This will work for all shapes.

After wrapping the text, make sure to check your text box to make sure you do not have any text in overflow (a yellow triangle and to resolve this, simply expand your text box to reveal all of your text.

Limit Move Region

Apply limit move region to a text box so that it does not move past the black cut line in the designer. If text or an image is past the black cut line in the designer, it is in danger of getting cut off. For more information about page bleeds click here. To apply a limit move region to a text box click on your text box then click on the frame menu at the top of the page. Click limit move region from the drop down.

Limit Move Region

Once you successfully applied limit move region to your text box, you should not be able to move it past the black cut line.

Cut Line

To remove limit move region from a text box, click on the text box and go to the Frame menu at the top of the page, then click Limit Move Region again from the drop down menu.

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