When it comes to creating your planners, here are some helpful tips to help you get started! For more info on planners, view our planner website here.
Large Planner (8.25″W x 10.75″H)
- Margins Top & Bottom = 0.625″
- Margins Left & Right = 0.875″
Small Planners (5.5″W x 8.5″H)
- Margins All Sides = 0.625″
Custom Pages
Understanding Page Guidelines
*You only need to design pages if you have signed up for custom pages in addition to the standard planner pages. If you do not have custom pages, you do not need to design your own planner pages and you will receive the standard small or large planner pages.
Bleed Space represents the area that is cut off during your planners production. Anything between the red and black lines will be cut off. We recommend continuing any background designs to the red line to ensure no white space is left at the end of your design.
Cut Line represents where the paper for your planner will be cut. Anything between the black and purple lines is safe but has a risk of being cut.
The Safety Line is the safe area for your content. Anything within the purple box will not be cut off in production. All text should be placed within the safety zone.

Download Planner Page Templates for Microsoft Word
Building in Microsoft Word
Step 1: Adjust Header
- Double Click [ SCHOOL NAME ] on the sample to adjust your header
Step 2: Adjust Body
- Double Click the body text to delete the sample material and fill in with your school planner’s information
Step 3: Adjust Footer
- Double click the page number [ 1 ] to adjust your footer or to delete the footer.
Step 4: Save & Upload Document
- Save the document as a PDF and upload the PDF to “manage uploads” in your account. Click here to learn more about uploading PDFs.

Custom Covers
Understanding Cover Guidelines
Planner covers have the same guidelines as the planner pages. All text should be placed within the safety line and text on large planners should be placed about 1″ from the center to avoid being hole punched.
All background designs should be placed to the bleed line to avoid any extra white space on the edges when the planners are cut in production.

Pre-Designed Cover Options
View our predesigned cover choices here.
You can search for your choice under backgrounds by searching the number and add your cover text. Click here to learn more about how to place backgrounds. If you need assistance you can reach out to tech support or your account manager for help placing our chosen cover design.
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