Can I design the inside of my cover?
If you have chosen to take advantage of Entourage’s upgrade to design custom endsheets, or you are interested in this upgrade, the information below may be useful.
There are two kinds of endsheets based on the style of cover you choose:
Printed Endsheets
The endsheets are used to attach the cover to the book content, and are present in all hardcover books. You have the ability to design these endsheets instead of white paper if you have the Printed Endsheet upgrade.
If you have chosen not to take the upgrade, these endsheets will remain a blank white paper. These pages appear before the first page of your book, and after the last page of your book, each the size of a spread in your book.
Inside Printing
Softcover books do not require endsheets to adhere the cover to the book content. Instead, Inside Printing is actually the reverse side of your cover (double-sided printing) opposite your first and last pages. Inside Printing is the size of a single page at the beginning and end of your book.

Once you’ve chosen to add one of these upgrades, the pages will be available from both the Manage Ladder screen as well as the EDOnline Page Design section. You may notice that the endsheets pages appear in the cover section when you click View Pages while in the Designer.

Printed Endsheets will appear as two files about the size of a regular spread, whereas inside printing will include both the front and back inside in one file. You can click on the previews to enter the designer like normal and begin designing your pages.
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