We understand that during these tough times, there are plenty of schools who are still striving to complete their yearbooks, despite the separation and difficulty. Many are unsure of what to put in their books now when lacking the content. Remember that we are here to help! Below are some great ideas to help you fill your book with awesome content.
One of the best ways to fill your book with content is to have plenty of photos to show off the different events at your school, and Entourage offers different options to send those photos directly to your yearbook account without giving people access to the actual yearbook account.
- Send by Email
- Each photo category in your yearbook account is designated an email address that people can submit photos to. To find the email, go to the Manage Photos page of your yearbook. You can select a category from the dropdown and click the Edit button below the category selected, which will then show you the email at the bottom of the pop-up window.

Note! You can also make your own email alias! Type in a word or phrase that works for you and your category, then click the blue button in the bottom right corner to update the category with that alias. People can then email to the updated email address you see below. For more details on how emailing photos works, click here.
- Send through our LINK Website
- Users are able to upload their photos by going to link.entourageyearbooks.com, searching their school, and then select the Upload Photos button.
- Send by the LINK App
- Users are able to download the Entourage LINK app onto their mobile device from the Google Play store and the Apple App Store where applicable. Once users download the app, they can log into the app using the same login they created on the LINK Website. If they don’t yet have a login, they can also create one here. Users will then be able to upload photos that are directly on their device to photo categories that you allow. Photos that aren’t directly available on the user’s device may need to be added to the device first for easier transition into the photo category.
- You can download the Google Play Store app here, and the Apple App Store app is available here.
Note: To allow people to send photos via the LINK website and LINK App, go to the Manage LINK page in the yearbook account, select the MOBILE tab, and turn on “Allow Link users to use the Link mobile application.” and “Allow Link users to upload photos that can be used in the yearbook.”
Here are some creative ideas to include in your yearbook to still create an awesome experience for people to reminisce on:
- Work from Home Selfies
- So many students and staff are working from home at this time, and taking stock of your work environment in a photo can make the experience more relatable. Take a quick selfie to show off where you’re working. Get creative! Maybe add filters to lighten the mood.
- Collage pages would work best with this content.
- Prom Attire Selfies
- If you’re from a high school, you may find that a lot of those end of year events are totally canceled, no rescheduling. We may not all be going, but we still have the prom gear ready to show off. Get cleaned up for a cool selfie in your prom outfit. Find a backdrop that really completes the look, and send that selfie to the yearbook.
- You can then create collages of prom looks.
- Year In Review
- If you don’t already utilize it, we offer 8 pages of year-in-review content, displaying the hot topics and additional information important to 2022-2023. These pages are available in the designer under the Templates button. Just type in the words “Year In Review” in the search tab and it will display all Year In Review templates.

- COVID 19
- The aforementioned year-in-review may only span to January of 2022, but that doesn’t mean there hasn’t been plenty of hot topics that have sprung about these past few months, especially with COVID-19. Consider creating a spread or more pages talking about this hot topic and how it’s affected businesses, countries, states, and celebrities.
- Are there celebrities diagnosed with COVID-19? Add them in!
- Are there inspiring stories in the news about people helping each other? There are plenty of businesses who’ve been offering free or low-charge services, including apps for exercise and wellness, financial support services, etc.
- Videos have been shared of Italians singing together from their balconies while in quarantine. You could utilize our QR Code feature to add urls of these kinds of videos to the book. Readers can scan these codes to view the videos directly on their phone.

Note! We’ve created COVID-19 Templates to get you started! They’re available under the Collage category from the Templates button in the Designer!

- Spread out Your People Pages
- This subject may be geared more toward middle and elementary schools. Make your portrait pages an individual experience of each student. If you have too many students to make this feasible, consider having only the graduating class as single person portrait pages. Have them create a short blurb about themselves, including such things as favorite sport, favorite class, a memorable experience they’ve had at the school, or their aspirations for the future. They can fill in the page with images that match content they provide (I.E. Favorite TV Show? Have an image of that TV Show). And maybe other images that are personal to their life
- Get Silly with Superlatives Pages!
- We’ve seen some great superlative pages! Create a Google Sheet or Polls of different superlatives. Maybe your focus is teacher superlatives. When you have the results, have those teachers provide funny photos acting out those superlatives. Spread out the superlatives to about 3-4 per page.

- Polls, Polls, Polls!
- Polls can be a great filler to yearbooks. You can use our Polls feature in the Manage LINK page of your yearbook account. Simply click +ADD NEW, and follow the directions to create your poll. The poll will be available from our LINK Website when users search for their school. If you have contact with students during the quarantine, you can send them the link to the poll and have them fill out their answers

- Maybe your poll is about your favorite at home activity
- Once you get enough answers, use the results to determine what kind of icons and imagery you’ll add into the page along with the poll results.
- Silly Selfies
- If your school collects a LOT of photos, there’s sure to be some silly faces in those photos. Collect a folder of silly faces and create a collage of them. You can also request silly selfies from students, if you’re able to.
- Templates!
- Take advantage of the variety of templates we have to offer in the designer. We have theme-specific whole book templates, such as Storybook, Arcade Zone, and Comic Book.
- We also provide event-specific templates, such as Halloween templates, Valentine’s Day, and more.
- There are plenty of simple templates if you’re looking to fill your book with collage pages, autograph pages, and other extras that suit your needs.
- You can explore the different templates we have available from the Templates page under the Collaborate tab.

Still Having Trouble Completing Your Book? Read our Article Here to Learn About Our SPA Services, and How We Can Help You Finish Your Book.
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