Creating a QR Code

Check this out to know how to generate a QR code easily inside your yearbook:

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QR Codes

Create your own 2-dimensional barcode and display it in your yearbook to share videos, websites, advertisements, etc. When you scan the code, the event can load in your preferred app. This can be done directly from the EDOnline page designer and placed onto your page immediately.

Follow these easy steps to create your QR Codes

Open the EDOnline page designer. For further instructions on how to do that, click here.

Once you are on the page that you would like to place your QR code, click the QR Code button under the Insert Items section of the left toolbar.

QR code button

Under QR Code Type, you have 3 options: Select video, Select LiNK Page, and Select Custom URL.

Select Video will provide you with a selection of any videos that you have uploaded to your account using the upload other content feature of our website.

Select LiNK page will let you choose from any LiNK pages your have set up. Click here to learn more about setting up a LiNK page.

Select Custom URL allows you to enter any URL you would like the QR code to load, for example – your school’s website. Once you have entered the URL, hit the enter key on your keyboard.

Custom URL

You can edit the background and bar colors in the QR code, as well as change the scale. The scale of the QR code is defaulted to 100, but you can make it bigger, if you would like. We don’t suggest making it much smaller than 100. The status of the QR code is set to Active by default. If you would like to change this status to void or expired, you can. This is helpful if you would like to make the QR code unusable when you re-print books. You can also set an expiration date for a QR code, but it is not required.

Once you have edited your QR code settings, you can click the green Generate QR Code to build your QR code.

Custom QR code

The QR code will generate in the upper left hand corner of your left or right yearbook page. Once your QR code is placed on the page, you may no longer change the back and bar colors. But if you wish to rotate it or make the QR code smaller or bigger, simply drag the blue dots on its corners.

Insert QR code

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