Watch a Video!
Check out these two help videos on different ways to upload photos into your account:
If YouTube is blocked on your current browser, Click Here.
There are three ways that you, your staff, and your community can upload photos to your project. The following image file types are supported by Entourage Yearbooks: .jpg, .jpeg, .png and .heic. (Please note that attempting to upload content that is not supported will result in corrupted files.) Follow these steps to successfully upload and manage your photos:
Choose Manage photos from the MANAGE tab drop down on your home page.
You may also select the Upload Photos option from the UPLOAD tab drop down.

Next, click on the green “Upload new photos” button

Then, from the photo uploader window, either create a category by clicking the blue create category button, or select an existing photo category

To start uploading your photos, you can drag and drop them into the photo upload window, or you can click the orange browse button to browse your computer for photos

While your photos are uploading, you will see in the photo uploading window a list of the photos that are completed uploading, and the photos left to upload. If you have more than 100 photos to upload, please give this process a few minutes. If you have a poor internet connection, this process will take a bit longer.
Please note: The type of photo files we accept are .jpg, .jpeg, .png and .heic. PDFs need to be uploaded in Manage Uploads.

Once the uploader confirms that all your images were uploaded, the photo category will load to display all the images that you just uploaded.
Upload Using EDOnline Page Designer
If you are using EDOnline to design your pages, you will also have the option to upload photos directly from the page designer. (Note: You must be working on a page within the designer in order to access this function.)
Click on the Photo icon on the left-hand panel

Click the blue Upload button

Select the category you wish to upload photos into. You can also create a category by clicking the blue “category” button.

Click Browse to browse your computer for the photos you wish to upload, or drag and drop the photos you want to use into the uploader.

Upload using LINK!
Your school community can get involved with uploading photos by registering with LINK!, Entourage’s online parent-sharing portal. Yearbook administrators can set up their school’s LINK! homepage to allow parents, students, and staff to upload photos even if they aren’t involved with designing the book.
- Click Manage LINK in the Manage tab

- In the Mobile tab, choose your LINK preferences:
- Make sure to check “Allow LINK users to upload photos that can be used in the yearbook” if you wish to allow your community to upload photos from the LINK site,
- You can also check “Allow Link users to use the Entourage Link mobile application” if you want your community to be able to upload photos from the free LINK app.
- Click Confirm LINK! Changes.

- An Upload Photos button will be added to your LINK homepage. (Administrators can assign a password for general use to keep track of uploaded photos. Every time someone uploads photos to your account, you will receive a notification in your News Feed).
Your school LINK page will appear when parents, students, staff, or community members search your school name on the LINK website. If you choose to allow photo uploads from your LINK page, a blue Upload Photos icon will appear here.
Managing Your Photos
You can organize your photos by category and search by the following filters:
- File Name
- Photo Caption
- Photo Tag
- Photo Status
- Liked Status
- Uploaded By
- Order By
Select one of your photo categories to view additional organization options:
- Select All – This option selects all the photos within a category.
- Move Selected Photos – Select one or more photos to move to a different category. Check the photos to be moved and click Move Photos. Select the category the photos will be moved to and click Move.
- Delete Photos – Choose the photos that you wish to discard and click Delete Photos.
- Edit Category – If you wish to rename one of your categories, select the category and click Edit Category. Once you are satisfied with your new category name, click Done.
- Delete Category – Select the category that you no longer wish to keep and click Delete Category. (WARNING: Deleting a photo category will permanently delete all its photos. There is no way to retrieve lost photos, so we recommend moving any photos you wish to keep prior to deleting any photo categories.)
- Rotate Photos – This function allows you to rotate your photos left or right.

- Tag Photo – Add Photo Tags to your photos.
- Add Photo Captions – Administrators can allow users to view and/or change photo captions.

- Email Photos – Each of your photo categories has a custom email address you can share with others. Click the Email Photos icon to view your custom email address.
- Import Previous Years’ Photos – If you’ve worked with Entourage in the past, you can import previous years’ photos here.
- Upload via Instagram – Click this icon to import photos from your personal Instagram account.
- Upload via Facebook – Click this icon to Import your photos from your personal Facebook account.
- Upload via Dropbox – Import your photos from your Dropbox account.
- Upload via Google Drive – Import your photos from your Google Drive account.
HI. I am trying to figure out your pricing for printing copies of the Yearbook.
Can you help?
Hi Stacey,
Sure thing! To get some pricing for yearbooks, the best thing for you to do would be to call our sales team at 888-926-6571 ext 1. They will be able to help you with that. You can also email them directly at