Uploading Individual Shipping Data

Shipping books to your home

Entourage offers the option to have your books shipped individually to people’s home rather than sending the order via bulk to one location, usually the school. If you’d like to use this option, we’ll need to get the addresses for everyone you’d like us to ship to.

The easiest way to collect addresses is to use a spreadsheet to gather people’s address information in a structured format. You can download our template spreadsheet from our Individual Shipping Help Page.

Once you have your spreadsheet filled in as illustrated in the image above, you can upload it from your Manage Yearbook Sales page. Click the Track Yearbook Sales button as shown below.

At the bottom of the Track Yearbook Sales page you’ll see a section to “Upload Order Spreadsheet Data”. You can upload your shipping spreadsheet there. Make sure to save your shipping data in TSV (Tab Separated Format). You can click “Choose File” or just drag the TSV file into the “Choose files to upload” area. Then click “Upload”.

You will now need to map the columns of address data to how you’d like us to ship your books. Please make sure to include the following required fields so we can successfully ship your books.

  • Ship Name
  • Address
  • City
  • State
  • Zip Code
  • Country is optional – If you leave it out, we’ll assume USA
  • Email is optional – but if you do upload it, we will send a confirmation email with tracking information when the book ships
  • Book Quantity is optional- If you leave it out, we’ll assume one book
  • Personalization is optional- If you’d like us to add the student’s name to the cover of the book, there is normally a $6 charge for this.

Finally click “Assign Data Columns” at the bottom and your data import will then start. Once all the data goes through, review the list to make sure all the addresses are imported properly. If there are any issues you can import your file again by going back to the Track Sales page. You will see the file you just imported now.

And that’s it! You have imported your shipping data and we can take care of shipping the order from there.

In case you need to adjust any addresses, you will see that everything you imported is now listed above. You can click on any order to adjust the address prior to approving for final production. After you approve for final production, these fields will no longer be editable.

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